Train high-quality journalism bachelors, specialized ability, professional competence, science research for working, teaching, management in journalism field, communication and other fields which are related to the period of international integration and the context of globalization, have an ability to start up, adapt to a new working environment quickly and study forever, have professional ethics.
Job position:
-Reporter, editor in newspaper agency, magazine, radio station, television station;
- Researching and teaching officer at training institutions and research on journalism and mass communication;
- Experts at domestic and foreign media companies and organizations
-Experts in the companies and national and international communication organization;
-Staff in charge of press and communication in national and international NGOs;
-Functional staff in leadership agencies, manage press information or implement work responsibilities which require a systematic, basic understanding of the theory and professional skills of journalism;
- Bachelor of Journalism with high quality is also possible to widely adapt to be able to perform various functions working at agencies and units that are related to press and mass media as agencies ideological culture, social media agencies and organizations, general information sections of agencies, units, social political organizations, companies, complexes, corporations, economic, commercial and service enterprises, domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations.
The Faculty of Linguistic and Literature (FLL) is one of the most long-standing faculties of UED-UD. During the past 45 years, Faculty of Linguistics and Literature has overcome many difficulties to make great contributions to the national, regional and local development, especially in the...